Monday, May 24, 2010

Bungalow - Week 2

I rang Mum today to find out what was happening, and she said that there was a lot of timber, and that there were windows in the front yard. Peter and the boys were here at 7:30am and left around 5:00pm. There are now frames ...

I have a good Mum - but you already knew that. She realised that it would be too dark by the time I got home to take photos, so she took them for me.

Mum spent the weekend cutting the Black Boy rose and the geranium from the trellis. The geranium had completely covered the rose. The only time you knew it was there was when it was in bloom, and the branches made their way out from amongst the geranium leaves.

Sherree and I planted it about 10 years ago. Grandma had had one when Mum was growing up, so she would like Will to plant it in the front garden.

The green colourbond is the side wall. It has to be fire-rated because it is so close to the fence. Peter asked me what colour I wanted, and I chose a soft green. I have decided that the bungalow will be green, as there won't really be a garden or lawn any more.

Besides, green is my favourite colour. I love the freshness of it. God has given us so many incredible shades of green.

Only the neighbours will be able to see this wall though.

You can see the windows and the sliding door leaning against the house.

The upright posts which support the electricity cable to the garage will eventually be removed. Peter suggested having the power go directly across from the bungalow, so he will ask the electrician to do that.

Mum said that Peter thinks they should be at Lock-up stage in about two weeks, depending on the weather...

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